Sunday, 6 October 2013

4th Learning Reflection

Wow, course nearly done and dusted. It is amazing how fast time flies when you are busy; sometimes you have to stop and take a breather to make sure your not missing anything!

The course has been full on! But I have thoroughly enjoyed it. When I decided to start my postgraduate papers I went and had a look at all the options. There was really no decision in what I chose to focus on; ICT is an ever-changing invention that seems to just keep getting bigger and bigger. The way the learning has been scaffolded has made this full on course manageable and given a good sequence of activities which has allowed me to stay on top of everything.

My ICT knowledge coming into the course was minimal. I knew the basics for using digital technologies and although wanting to learn more I never really made the time to do so. Because of this the first thing I learnt was how to be a blogger! When I was on placements I was always worried that I would be asked to update the blog or put something on the blog, this won't happen now -well I won't have anymore placements now that I have my degree; but also because I know how to blog. I have learnt how to create links, add pictures and videos to my blog as well as create labels so that everyone else in the course can see the new knowledge that like them I am gaining.

After this the new knowledge kept on coming. I felt like I was struggling with my understanding but when sitting down to complete an e-activity or reflection I realised how much I was actually learning and my understanding was increasing with each activity.

What I enjoyed the most would have to be the SP4Ed learning in the mOOC. I felt drawn in from day one of the learning. The final activity where I was looking at the future scenarios I was also looking at the past, at what has already happened and at what is happening now. The theory relates to practice and has done for a long time, From when Shell used scenario planning to now and well into the future. It is an effective tool for looking at what could happen in years to come.

 I have just finished writing my research paper, ready to proof read and spell check before submitting in the morning. I always wondered what motivated people to write articles and research papers; My father writes a lot of them and it didn't really make much sense to me but I guess in a way it is people teaching others what they know.

I am still questioning my understanding of eLPF, I understood the eMM really well and could make links to it however I feel I need to look into eLPF a bit more, gain some new knowledge about it and increase my understanding. Is this feeling because I haven't been teaching in a school other than placements but I have been a full time university student for over 4 years? Definitely something that I will look into as I start working next year (thinking positively that I get a job).

A big thank you to everyone in the course, having feedback from all of you and the ability to ready your posts and reflections has been a great informative part of the course; and of course to Wayne and Niki for running a very effective and well scaffolded course.

For the last reflection I leave you with this quote:

The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.  
                                                     - Plutarch

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