Tunney, R., & Ryan, M. (2012). Can iDevices help teaching assistants support pupils with ASD? Journal of Assistive Technologies, 6(3), 182-191. retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.canterbury.ac.nz/docview/1095839342?accountid=14499
This research shows how idevices can be used to assist Teacher Aides when working with ASD children. It looks at how the devices can support the current learning style or be used instead of the normal learning style.
When completing the case study the TAs met on a regular basis and gave feedback.
Six dominant themes came up which are directly related to TAs, these were
1. Supporting the curriculum
2. Managing pupil anxieties and behaviour
3. Increasing pupils' engagement
4. Rewarding positive behaviours
5. Developing communication and social skills
6. Challenges in introducing iDevices
The use of idevices by the TAs within these themes is detailed and includes pros and cons.
The research has highlights practical and and implementation considerations that need to be looked at.
This research has a lot of valuable information hidden within it. The research is based on Teacher Aides using the idevices but the common themes across the TAs that were part of the study are also ones in which the classroom teacher will have. There are some good links to my research topic and implementation considerations would tie in with choosing the appropriate change model.
Bölte, S., Golan, O., Goodwin, M.., Zwaigenbaum, L. (2010) What can innovative technologies do for autism spectrum disorders?Autism, Vol 14(3), May 2010, 155-159.
doi: 10.1177/1362361310365028
This article looks at the use of technology for Autistic children. It looks at how technology is used to help with treatment strategies and enhance the lives of those living with ASD. The article is part of a special issue which focuses on autism and technology. It summarises findings from presentations that were at the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR).
The findings that are looked at in this article are:
- Transfer of emotion recognition skills acquired through computer-based training into daily life.
- Whether adolescents with higher functioning ASD (n= 10) experience virtual realities in different ways to typically developing peers (TD; n= 14), and if virtual realities can accurately simulate ecologically-valid social situations.
- Efficacy of computer-assisted instruction for students with ASD
- Usage of toy construction via tangible user interfaces to support social interaction.
- Findings obtained with a new diagnostic tool for the acoustic analysis of prosody in ASD that measures focal stress and vocalimitation.
This article has some very interesting information in relation to the use of technology for ASD children. Some of the different aspects are irrelevant to my question relating to learning applications however the one which focuses on computer-assisted instruction will be useful when completing my research article.
Kay, S. (2012). CAN TOUCH SCREEN TABLETS HELP CHILDREN WITH AUTISM?. Exceptional Parent, 42(11), 38. retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.canterbury.ac.nz/ehost/detail?sid=bbe404c1-3280-4cd9-99a3-fde0f2305376%40sessionmgr11&vid=1&hid=28&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=ehh&AN=84571557
This article looks at the use of touch screen devices and whether they are beneficial for use with children that have autism spectrum disorder. It highlights some key problems which the children could face if they haven't developed the motor skills required to use a touch screen, addresses the aggression found in some children with ASD and puts emphasis on establishing that the use of a tablet would be beneficial to their child.
The article is quite small and a lot of it is based on the authors opinion as stated in the abstract. The author offers some valid points for consideration when implementing the use of learning applications and devices and briefly touches on the requirements that would need to be looked at if the change is going to take place. Overall the article has helped me to open my eyes and look at a few other avenues within my research before completing my own research paper.
Bascand, G. (2012). Household Use of Information and Communication Technology, Statistics New Zealand. Retrieved from http://www.stats.govt.nz/browse_for_stats/industry_sectors/information_technology_and_communications/HouseholdUseofICT_HOTP2012.aspx
The statistics shown are based on the use of information and communication technology. It has statistics relating to households and their internet usage,connections and the devices which are being used to connect to the internet. It also shows some statistics on how individuals are using the internet.
The statistics for the year 2012 show the increase in technology usage within New Zealand. The devices used to connect to and use the internet has changed from mostly computers to laptops and handheld computers being the most popular way to access the internet. This links to my research question on a small scale. The information about the use of devices and laptops being popular links to the devices required for the use of learning applications. Overall very interesting statistics when you look at the comparison to the usage in 2009.
Shah, N. (2011). Special Ed. Pupils Find Learning Tool In iPad Applications. (cover story). Education Week, 30(22), 1-17. retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.canterbury.ac.nz/ehost/detail?sid=ebf032df-135e-4d5e-a0a3-56940dd633aa%40sessionmgr4&vid=1&hid=28&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=ehh&AN=59265369
This article looks at how learning applications can be used within the classroom with iPads as a learning tool for children with Autism as well as other disabilities. The article looks at some specific children with disabilities and how the use of learning applications on iPads has improved their learning. It also looks at how the device impacts other aspects within the children's lives.
- Performance
- Communication Skills
- Self Esteem
This article has a lot of good information and has clear connections between the students and the usage of learning applications.There are comments by teachers in relation to these students and the article shares how the students used to be before the use of devices with learning applications to how they are since the change took place.
The article also links these achievements to specific applications that the children have been using within the classroom.
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