Emerson, J. (2013). The Effect on using iPad to Enhance Sight Word Acquisition of Students with Autism. Rowan University. Retrieved from http://dspace.rowan.edu/bitstream/handle/10927/841/emersonj-t.pdf?sequence=1
This study looks at the sight word acquisition and what effect the use of an iPad has on this. There is information relating to the instruction for phonics, information about phonics instruction for individuals, computer-assisted instruction for phonics and then looks at iPads as an instructional tool.
The case study is based on the use of iPads used for sight word acquisition and looks at four autistic children with different individual needs. Testing is completed before and after to determine whether the iPad effects the learning.
This study is the most closely aligned with my own research topic. The results from the case study show an increase result from the before and after testing which had been completed.
The information within the study shows the differences in instruction between teaching phonics to children with and without ASD and then also with the use of computers. This makes the connections clear to see and understand.
Wendt, O. (2012) The Places We'll Go: Innovative Web App Helps Children with Autism. Case in Point, Vol 10 (5) pg 24-25 retrieved from http://www.homecareassistance.com/pdf/june_2012-case_in_point.pdf#page=24
This article looks at the use of web applications and how it boosts communication ability for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. It looks at Augmentative and Alternative communication (ADD) interventions and the use of Speech Generating Devices (SGD) and the benefit on children that have delayed learning. There is also information relating to the creation of applications; Applications are not all created equal and some of them ignore some of the common traits that children with Autism have.
I really enjoyed reading this article. It went into the information deep enough to allow the reader to develop a clear understanding of what it is trying to tell you but not so far that you are overwhelmed with information. It was straight to the point and had many key points that fit with my own research topic. The point about the applications not all being equal was a valid point that I have not come across in other articles.
Butterfly Effect Editorial Staff, 2011. iPads: Communicating Across the Autism Chasm. retrieved from http://www.butterflyeffects.com/articles/ipads-communicating-across-the-autism-chasm
This artice looks at applications designed for people living with Autism. It outlines the positive effect that the use of technology and devices have; They:
- Reply primarily on visual cues, which are much more effective than auditory cues for individuals with Autism
- Provide as much time as needed for those with processing delays
- Don't object to endless repetition, as they are nonjudgmental, infinitely patient, and don't hold grudges
- Provide the specific types of stimulation that attract rather than overwhelm individuals with Autism
- Offer large measures of predictability and consistency, compared to the unpredictable nature of human responses
- Do not send conflicting social interaction cues that are a staple of typical human communication
- Place the user in control
- Cognitive development
- Language skill mastery
- Academic performance
- Behavioral changes
- Abilities to cope with transition and change
- Social interaction
- Choice-making skills
- Facial recognition and the reading of human expression
The use of applications are endless, this article only highlights a few of them but the information that it does provide gives parents, teachers and specialists a huge pool of information to look through and consider when planning for the individual needs of the autistic child. The information here is very informative to anyone looking at application use.
Short, J., Labine, S., Bruner, J., Cardoso, C. & Trick C. (n.d.) Benefits of Technology in Special Education retrieved from http://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=7&cad=rja&ved=0CGIQFjAG&url=http%3A%2F%2Femurillo.org%2FClasses%2FClass2%2Fdocuments%2FBenefitsofTechnologyinSpecialEd.doc&ei=kQtSUovHLceEkwXx6IEg&usg=AFQjCNH-w6kNUBOtUc8AfTKbxZncauLU4g&sig2=3LM_5-u593bPcADSRFJMxw&bvm=bv.53537100,d.dGI
This study looks at the use of technology within education for students with disabilities. Researchers looked at the effects that technology has on education and concluded that certain aspects of technology does improve the educational achievement of students that have disabilities. Following this a case study was completed with the focus on students using PCs or iPads to to determine whether it enhanced the learning experience. The study showed that yes the research supported the data from the case study.
Seeing the connection between the huge amount of research that was completed and the results from the case study was very informative. Their are clear links between the research and the results which would determine that the authors had a successful case study. The mix of using computers, flash cards and iDevices within the case study shows an interesting mix between the three different learning tools.
Autism. (2013, October 5). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 02:13, October 7, 2013, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Autism&oldid=575910856
The information that wikipedia has on Autism is amazing. It includes information about:
- What it is
- What the characteristics are with in-depth information on these
- Causes of Autism
- Mechanisms
- Diagnosis
- Screening
- Management
- Prognosis
- Epidemiology
- History
This is a good place for anyone that is interested about autism to start. It gives the reader the benefit of a huge amount of information in the one place to gain a good understanding about the disorder as well as what someone who has it encounters on a regular basis. Very useful information.
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