Sunday, 28 July 2013

SP4Ed introducing myself

I Live in Christchurch, New Zealand with my Partner and three children, I have recently graduated from Canterbury University with my BtchLn (primary) and I am now working towards my Post Graduate diploma in Education. I decided to do this with an endorsement in e-learning as it is an area in which I need to improve.

I was once told that within the classroom we are asking children to step out onto the 'silly bridge' or 'take a risk'. Well I think the same goes for teachers, we need to step out of out comfort zones and be prepared to take risks as well.

I am new to the online learning community, I have never used mOOC before, twitter is still a mystery and my blog was created a few weeks ago for my course requirements so I am still on a huge learning curve!

So to familiarise myself a little I read the 'learning environment' part and the links etc, (as you do) but I found this video helped me a lot, I am a visual learner and sometimes zone off the page when reading something that is straight text with no colours or pictures

While I was watching it, I felt the need to write the following down:

Succeeding in a mOOC

  • Orient - Materials, times, Links
  • Declare - Link blog, join twitter
  • Network - Follow others, read/comment on posts, make connections
  • Cluster - Group of people to work with, similar interests
  • Focus - Keep focused, keep in mind why you are doing it.

By maintaining a blog I would like to become more comfortable with other people looking at my work, establish a routine of regular posts, and get comfortable with different online tools - blogger, twitter, mOOC etc...

2 more bibliography items

Loucks-Horsley, S. (1996). Professional development for science education: A Critical and Immediate Challenge, National standards and the science curriculum, Dubuque, Iowa, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co.

The concerns-based adoption model (CBAM) : A model for change in Individuals, Identifies and provides ways to assess seven stages of concern. Has tables to show this.

I found this a great resource, It provides ways to assess the seven stages of concern, these fall into my topic area very well and highlight some of the problems associated with my change in digital technologies.

R. Havelock and J. Hamilton, Guiding Change in Special Education: How to Help Schools with New Ideas and Practices. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press (2004).

The Creater Model, has 7 key stages to successful initiatives to guide change within special education.

This will work extremely well for me. I can link the 7 stages of successful initiatives here with the seven stages of concern in the CBAM model to determine pros and cons of both for my topic.

Publish a provisional essay plan for A1.1 - Second attempt (hopefully clearer)

What is my goal for writing this essay? My goal for writing this essay is to understand the problems for teachers and students when using learning games within the classroom for ASD children. I need to look at how this will effect the ecosystem by looking at the areas within the arena of change.

What information do I need to include? I need to include the change model(s) that inform my topic as well as show the links to it, I need have:
  • One source describing change from the perspective of an ecological framework
  • One source on the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM)
  • One source on Technology adoption cycles
  • One source on the Learning/Adoption Trajectory (LAT)
I also need to have information relating to my learning games for ASD within literacy obtained from research. Also three sources on a change related theme

How will the information be organised?  By the following format:

Introduce learning games within the classroom for ASD children (what is the change)
Information about what learning opportunities will it provide (why is it important/necessary) - more involvement of ASD children, adaptable to other subjects, helps learners needs etc.
Arena of change - Ecological perspective
Statement about how the introduction of learning games will effect students, teachers and support staff. (impact on teachers)

Description of change model(s)
  • The Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM): A Model for Change in Individuals: explain how it applies to the change when introducing learning games for ASD. 
  • Creater Model: Explain how it would support the change process
Implications of change models

    • Implications of the CBAM change model including pros and cons. 
    • Implications of the Creater Model including pros and cons.
    • Summary of findings

    Saturday, 27 July 2013

    Provisional Essay Plan 3.1

    Do learning games benefit ASD children within literacy education


    Prepare an abstract of 350 words summarising the topic, key findings and conclusion
    More research is needed to complete this part


    Describe your context of change and research question including:

    The nature and characteristics of the technology innovation (i.e. the what?)
    Focus is on how learning games within literacy affects learning, what are the benefits? What makes them effective?

    An explanation of the importance and significance of the change for teachers and learners (i.e. the why?)
    I will look at why the learning games will be useful, why they will benefit ASD learners.

    The thesis / or problem statement or research question What is the main idea, point of view or central question you will address in your review of the change model(s)
    By introducing learning games during literacy to autistic children in year 1, is there an improvement in the learning?


    This is the main part of the essay which should cover:

    A description of the change model(s) Identify an appropriate model of change which informs your thesis or problem. Summarise the relevant model with appropriate connections to your topic / context.
    How the teacher is going to use, manage and analyse
    How it will fit in with other programs within the classroom
    What the teacher will need to change for the change to take place.
    Management of the ASD child within the class during lessons
    Appropriate CBAM and LAT models

    A review of the implications of the change model for your own context. You should cover both strengths and shortcomings or pros and cons of the model(s).
    Family concerns
    School consent

    Including for example, recommendations for the future or lessons learned.

    Whether learning games are beneficial, any recommended changes

    Friday, 26 July 2013

    1st learning reflection

    Well My first learning reflection, I am feeling quite good I have made it this far and gained some new understandings.
    So first I learnt how to create a blog using the tutorial on learn and blogger as well as you tube clips, after creating he blog I struggled with the challenge of writing posts as I kept clicking on ‘new blog’ instead of ‘new post’. But I have now perfected this and feel I am doing this quite well.
    Next came my topic question, This took some grappling with to understand what the requirements were, after looking at the other blogs and forum posts I established the question and then adapted it a little, I feel I now understand the ‘change’ and what this entails but I know I still have quite a bit to learn.
    Researching for items for the bibliography is something I have done before as was APA referencing but I still refer to the libraries resource to check my references.
    Writing about my research topic I thought I knew what I was writing about but as I started to write my thoughts were changing and things became clearer. (funny how that happens) I was still a bit confused about what questions my research would require and I think after doing the readings for the week they are forming a list which will go into my plan for my research once I start typing it up I feel the questions will be at the point of making sense to enable them to be understood. (the task for the weekend)
    Arena of change, this put a lot into perspective for me. I had never really thought about the fact that when one change is made it causes a ripple effect outwards and although the change is being made in the context of say the classroom the change travels along the ecosystem meaning changes across the school as well as to other areas of the community, government and even companies are affected by the change. I had to read the information about 5 times to understand it to this point (so I hope I have understood it right!)
    I have just finished learning about the Characteristics of innovation, Concerns-based acceptance Models and Technology acceptance models within the personal context of the course. I found these very interesting but feel like I need to know more to understand it better.  The basic TAM model looks like it is the one that fits with my topic as well as the CBAM. The CBAM readings links quite well to the arena of change, these fit my topic so I can definitely see the links forming between readings and activities. I wouldn’t have seen the links if I hadn’t created my mindmap showing the ecological changes for my topic.
    I still have a lot to learn. I still feel like I am overwhelmed with information but I am glad that it is sinking in. Currently I feel like I have more learning to do in relation to TAM’s and CBAM’s but it could also be the need to sleep on the information I have recently reviewed and see how I feel about it in the morning.
    I find that sleep is great, I have been waking up with a clear head and some clearer understanding of what I have read.
    And just because I love the quotes throughout this part of the course I feel I have to add them here.
    Computers aren't magic. Teachers are magic. They can get results with or without the tool.
                                                                                               —Craig Barrett
    New ideas pass through three periods: 1) It can't be done; 2) It probably can be done, but it's not worth doing; 3) I knew it was a good idea all along!
                                                                                               —Arthur C. Clarke
    I begin with an idea and then it becomes something else
                                                                                               —Pablo Picasso
    Technology is so much fun but we can drown in our technology. The fog of information can drive out knowledge.
                                                                                —Daniel J. Boorstin

    Tuesday, 23 July 2013

    Two more items for bibliography

    I, Sahin, Detailed review of Rogers' diffusion of innovations theory and educational technology-related studies based on Rogers' theory, The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology - TOJET April 2006 ISSN: 1303-6521 volume 5 issue 2 Article 3

    This looks at the four main elements in the diffusion of innovations. It also details the innovation-decision process and the stages within this which are: 
    • The knowledge stage
    • The persuasion stage
    • The decision stage
    • The implementation stage
    • The confirmation stage
    There is also relative advantage and rate of adoption with stages detailed as well.

    This was a very interesting read, there is a lot of useful information throughout but most of it that will be useful for my topic is centered around the innovation-decision process within the stages.

    Department of Education, Training and Employment, Queensland Government. (2012). iPads in Special Education (trial report). Retrieved from

    Trial report of using iPads within the classroom for children with special education needs. The report states what they did, their results as well as information about the school, devices etc.

     This report will be very useful to refer back to, It has great information about what was trialled and what the findings were in relation to special education.

    Saturday, 20 July 2013

    Arena of change mindmap 2.1

    My central research topic focuses on the use of learning games and apps within literacy learning for an ASD child in year 1.
    The change is the introduction of learning games and apps into the learning for an ASD child.

    After looking at the arena of change information I used this as a basis for my own mindmap.

    Davis' (2012) Arena of change graphic

    I have found that creating a mindmap across different contexts is quite helpful, I have recently taught how to use a mind map so it was great to watch the Youtube clip about creating a mindmap, this is a clip that I will keep for future reference, It would have been a great clip to show in the classroom.

    So using the above tools I started to create my own mindmap showing how implementing apps and learning games will have a ripple effect along the ecosystem where it will effect more then just the teacher and the child.

    I found that there would be more changes within the school then there would be in others areas of the ecosystem. There would be a lot of changes for the teacher to deal with to allow him/her to implement this into the classroom, the introduction of technology into the class in a different way, meetings with a specialist to ensure the apps were beneficial for the child as well as how it is going to be assessed but also the child would be affected by the change as well if they weren't used to using the technology, the change in routine and confidence. Still within the school the changes would need to be allowed by higher management and other teachers would require a certain amount of training or new knowledge about the change, there would need to be research completed, information given on how the learning is assessed as well as discussions with people in the Bureaucratic and Professional parts of the arena. Products and apps would need to be brought and installed from commercial sources.

    It took me a bit to wrap my head around the arena of change but I think after writing all of the above I get it.

    Anything that is changed is going to effect more then just the person making the change. The change will have an effect on a lot more people within different parts of the school as well as further out into the world. I see this as being like a ripple effect, making changes all along the ecosystem.

    Saturday, 13 July 2013

    Published items for annotated bibliography 1.3

    Klipper, B. (2013). Apps and Autism. American Libraries, 44(6), 36-39. 

    This study looks at how apps are currently being used for children with ASD and in what contexts, It has options for high and low income family which are currently being talked about over seas.
    • Ways of integrating apps within the classroom and libraries
    • list of elements to look for when evaluating an app
    • places you can get recommendations for apps
    This is quite a vague source in some areas, especially how apps are used within the classroom it focuses more on apps in a social setting and in libraries however it has some interesting points about evaluating an app and different ways of integrating an app which I think I will find useful for my topic.

    O'Malley, P., Lewis, M. B., & Donehower, C. (2013). Using Tablet Computers as Instructional Tools to Increase Task Completion by Students with Autism. Online Submission,

    This papers looks at the use of iPads within the classroom during maths lessons, it has the questions that they used to determine the success of ipads to enhance learning of children with ASD

    Although the source is not entirely to do with using apps within the classroom it still has a focus of using technology within the classroom to enhance learning. The use of maths learning for the research gives me an example of questioning that was used for this study and the results they got from the use of iPads to enhance learning.

    Research Topic 1.2

    Well, I struggled a lot with this, I had many different things that I was looking into for my topic but writing the question... hurt my head a little but finally I got there (i think)

    • By introducing learning games during literacy to autistic children in year 1 is there an improvement in the learning?

    I chose this as my research question as I was in a discussion with a group of teachers about using ipad apps in the classroom. Most schools use them within maths and literacy but the discussion was about using them with under achievers, ESL learners and autistic children.  This made me quite interested about using the different apps/games available to support and enhance the learning of children within these areas and whether it benefits their learning.

    I am interested in this topic as I have worked with Autistic children within different levels and have always wondered about ways to enhance their learning in the areas that they struggle with. (for example literacy) I have seen the benefits of using learning apps/games within the classroom for children, I think that they would improve the learning of an autistic child but it would be dependent on the app/game chosen and as all autistic children fall into a different place on the spectrum. Each autistic child would need specific apps to enhance their learning otherwise I don't see their being a benefit.

    There are a lot of different organisations that provide information about the apps that have been created to help autistic children as well as ones to help teachers and support staff monitor autistic children.
    Autistic children are the ones that are mostly affected by my topic however their families, teachers and carers are also affected.

    I went and watched a few you tube videos about autistic children and the use of apps/games, a lot seem to be on how they use them in their personal life with their friends and family

    Sitting here writing this has more questions and feelings running through my head and I feel my brain getting all jumbled, I can see a follow up post to this in the next couple of days once I manage to sort through everything in my head.

    Tuesday, 9 July 2013

    Creating my blog 1.1

    Hi everyone,

    I am Jennifer Bourne. I live in Christchurch, on the west where I don't need to get a wheel alignment after every trip I take.
    I have just completed my BtchLn (primary) through Canterbury University and decided to continue my training and begin some postgraduate courses.
    Whilst I am studying full time this semester I will also be doing some relieving work at the school where my oldest son Jayden (9) attends as well as looking after my other two children Hazel (19m) and Marcus (5m).
    I have never had a blog before and other then using one on placements or reading a few friends blogs I have had very little experience with them so I would like to familiarise myself with the ins and outs of having and maintaining a blog, also gaining experience to enable me to use the skills developed to have and effectively use a blog within the classroom.
    Never having a blog before I decided to use blogger as it sounded easier to use and understand. I joined Google Apps but couldn't figure out how to create a blog from there. So I went onto learn and started to go down the list of instructions.
    I am currently on a spare computer (which is really, really slow) as mine is in getting fixed and due to this I had problems opening up links that gave information on how to do things. But I got there in the end. Overall the instructions were easy to understand making it easy to create a blog and customise it.
    Due to the problems I had opening the help links I went searching through blogger and came across their help instructions which were just as easy to follow as the ones on learn.
    I think if I was to set up a blog again I would read the instructions before attempting as it wasted a lot of unnecessary time. 
    I am looking forward to becoming a regular blogger and feeling comfortable enough to use the blog to its full potential.
    I think the video I have included is quite amazing. I also love to use quotes, I find them very inspirational.

    "The more that you READ,
    the more things you will KNOW.
    The more that you LEARN,
    the more places you will GO."
    Dr Seuss