Sunday, 4 August 2013

Perspective of a decision maker

My decision-making context:
  • I am reviewing the scenario as a primary teacher, my school is characterised by using a lot of ICT resources by students and staff (this is not my actual school, I am a new teacher graduate but this is a school I relieve at)
Overview of the scenario:
Cachia R, Cao Y, Cuong Pham M, Fetter S, Garoia V, Klamma R,  Punie V, Rajagopal K, Redecker C, Sloep P, Vuorikari R, (2012). Teacher Networks Today's and Tomorrow's Challenges and Opportunities for the Teaching Profession. Brussels, Belgium: European Schoolnet.

This looks at the evolving role within the teaching profession, that if strong support is provided then teachers can be the main change agents for reforms within education. 
It focuses on teacher networks and how these can support teachers in initial training as well as in professional development.
The main purpose is to help with the quality of teaching and the learning experiences that the students get. 

There are 5 scenarios that are detailed:
  1. eNet - Centralised network of networks which brings different education stakeholders together. An expansion of the current eTwinning network
  2. MyNetwork - Personalised social networking approach, opposite of eNet
  3. Intelligent Agents - Intelligent agent created to assist with workload, find information and stay connected with other teachers.
  4. Diversified Teaching Career - Personalised learning, students are able to learn in 3 different ways: in class with the teacher, virtual real time learning or virtual learning in playback mode
  5. Informal Learning Camps - face to face teacher boot camps where they learn from each other
I think scenario 4 - Diversified Teaching Career would be the most viable option, I think the drivers of change would be the role of the teacher, technological advances and time

Brainstorm list of recommended decisions: Generate a bullet list of the decisions you would recommend based on your reading of the scenario, taking into account your decision-making context above.

  • How will the learning providers ensure all students are participating?
  • Will the students have resources available?
  • How will the teaching method keep up with the technological changes?
  • Devices compatible with virtual learning
  • Time management
  • Will there be more or less students?
  • Learning environment

Two most important strategic decisions:
Learning devices - The devices used for learning need to be compatible with virtual learning as well, there are a lot of different devices around which all work differently. There would need to be a decision made and research done so that the chosen device is easy for the teacher as well as the students and it would need to be able to perform as required. If the wrong device is chosen then it would cause huge problems for the teacher which could have a big effect on how they use the devices in future.
Participation -  There will need to be a way to determine and monitor participation and work that has been completed for students that are studying via the virtual platform. Whether it be reflections, blog posts or microblogs the teacher is only going to be able to have accurate assessment data if the participation is monitored and there is confirmation that the student is completing the work (and the one completing it).

Transferability of recommended decisions for the scenarios alternatives:
Learning devices - This decision would be transferable across a couple of the scenarios but not all of them as informal learning camps looks at getting away from online communication and embracing face to face which would not have a huge need for learning devices.
Participation - This is transferable across all the scenarios, the need to monitor participation will be there regardless as to whether it is done through a network or face to face.
Ease of use would be a great strategy to fit all scenarios, A lot of the time if something is easy to use and seen as useful then people feel a lot more comfortable in using it and will embrace the change. If something is complicated and confusing there are more chances that it will be rejected and unused.

Phew, been puzzling this one for a few days (love the save function on blogger) I have just graduated teachers college so been put into the spot of a decision maker is not something in which I have experienced within education as yet other then when planning for within the classroom.


  1. I also said a "phew" when I had completed my scenario blog. I have been teaching just a bit longer than you (well a lot more), and I found the process needed some extended concentration so you have done well. I read the same tomorrows challenges scenarios as you and was intrigued with the informal learning camps idea, but chose something that was more aligned with my research area.

  2. I tried to sit and concentrate on it multiple times since friday... just wasn't happening! Was definitely a quiet thinking environment I needed to wrap my head around it lol
